Saturday, June 25, 2011

"Give Me Patience, and Give It to Me Right Now"

I've been feeling frustrated the past few days by the lack of resolution to a situation in my life. So this afternoon I am appreciating this reminder from my friend Holly - in a form of a prayer in a blog post - to be patient and content with the present, to let go and let God.

Lord, teach me to be patient—with life, with people,and with myself. I sometimes try to hurry things along too much, and I push for answers before the time is right. Teach me to trust Your sense of timing rather than my own and to surrender my will to Your greater and wiser plan. Help me let life unfold slowly, like the small rosebud whose petals unravel bit by bit, and remind me that in hurrying the bloom along, I destroy the bud and much of the beauty therein. Instead, let me wait for all to unfold in its own time. Each moment and state of growth contains a loveliness. Teach me to slow down enough to appreciate life and all it holds. Amen.