Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Creativity and Rest

I've been thinking about both creativity and rest for some time, especially since reading Alexandra Kuykendall's book Loving My Actual Life last year, in which Alex makes the case for, among other things, a life with more creating and more resting. (I posted a review here.)

This morning, when I opened the IF: Gathering App on my phone while getting ready for work so I could continue with the Enjoying Jesus study I'm currently doing about spiritual disciplines, creativity and rest came together again for me in the image that went along with today's reading.

I almost had to catch my breathe as I felt (again) the rightness of my desire, as a daughter of God, to be more like Him by both creating and resting.

I long for more time spent both creating and resting — and while I've yet to figure out exactly how to actually make that happen (although The 100 Day Project should help), I will continue longing.