Sunday, October 1, 2017

My One Little Word for 2017

(Click to enlarge.)

Inside the Spiral Jetty
Near the Great Salt Lake, Utah.
(Read about this work of art here.)
© Dan Kaseda 2014.


adjective : whole

1. all of; entire.

synonyms: entire, complete, full, unabridged, uncut
antonym: incomplete

2. in an unbroken or undamaged state; in one piece.

synonyms: in one piece, unbroken; undamaged, unmarked, perfect

3. (of milk, blood, or other substances) with no part removed.

4. healthy.

noun : whole

1. a thing that is complete in itself.

synonyms: entity, unit, body, discrete item, ensemble

2. all of something.

synonyms: all, every part, the lot, the sum, the sum total, the entirety